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Welcome to new LTG Member, Romiley Little Theatre, Stockport

We are delighted to be joined by a new member in the North, Romiley Little Theatre on the banks of the Peak Forest Canal at Hatherlow Wharf.

You can read more about them on their website HERE but in brief they were established in 1947 but lived a nomadic existence until ten years ago when they found a permanent home on the banks of the Peak Forest Canal. They then sent about converting an old rundown building into a thriving theatre.

They now have a 40-seater studio theatre / bar/ rehearsal space with a car park that can be turned into an open air performance space. They stage three productions a year and their online archive shows they tackle a wide range of theatre styles.

LTG Rep Peter Wright spoke at the Theatres Trust Conference (see HERE) and his where he gave a presentation showing the transformation of a run-down building into a welcoming canal side venue. You can find this on the post about the Green Theatre Book.

Anne Gilmour