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Welcome to new LTG Member: Dorking Dramatic and Operatic Society (DDOS)

LTG is delighted to welcome a new LTG Member to the Southern Region. They are DDOS – Dorking Dramatic and Operatic Society ‘a community-based theatre group’. The group began life in 1927 when they staged The Mikado. They went onto perform The Gondoliers at the opening of Dorking Halls in 1931.

Oliver! staged at Dorking Halls

Their key event each year is a big-budget musical staged at Dorking Halls. Throughout the year, however, they perform in their 86-seat Green Room theatre, tucked away behind Dorking Halls. Their theatre started life as temporary barracks for the Canadian Army in WWII and, not surprisingly, face challenges in terms of dilapidation!

They will open at the end of September with an unpublished play by Jimmy Chinn Audrey and Me along with four monologues by Paul Smith. More information about the group can be found on their website HERE. Their Facebook page is HERE and Twitter HERE.

For information tickets for their opening production are £12. They offer two levels of Membership – Theatre Club and Full Membership – both at £25 but only those who sign up to Full Membership can work on a show or stand at the AGM.

Anne Gilmour