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Theatres Trust: Theatre Reopening Fund

Grants of up to £5,000 to help not-for-profit theatres across the UK to make COVID-19-related adaptions and prepare for reopening.

The Theatres Trust has repurposed their small grants schemes to support theatres to cover the additional costs of reopening after several months’ closure. The Theatre Reopening Fund will support building improvements and purchasing equipment that will support the theatre to be able to open viably and safely. It will not cover revenue costs. Priority will be given to those who demonstrate how the project will support the theatre’s safe reopening.

Works that support a risk-assessed approach to reopening could include:

  • alterations to circulation spaces to enable social distancing
  • changes to ventilation systems
  • purchase and installation of Perspex screens and sanitisation stations
  • any other equipment and building improvements that support reopening

The scheme will not fund:

  • additional staffing and cleaning costs between performances
  • cosmetic redecoration without a clear link to reopening requirements
  • re-upholstery or replacement of seats without a clear link to reopening requirements

Who can apply

Applications for awards up to £5,000 can be made from theatres across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

To be eligible you must:

  • own or manage a theatre building in England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland. Freeholds or leases of at least five years are preferred but applicants are encouraged to get in touch if they have a different tenancy arrangement.
  • demonstrate the venue runs a regular theatre programme of professional, community and / or amateur work presenting no less than 30 performances a year
  • have a bona fide UK charitable or not-for-profit legal structure and be able to provide certified or audited accounts for at least two years

How to apply

Please send applications as soon as you know the required works and costs using the form below and supporting evidence. Applications should be sent by email to

We aim to make decisions on applications within four weeks. The scheme will run on a rolling basis throughout 2020.

HERE is the Application Form

HERE is the Terms and Conditions of the Fund

Anne Gilmour