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30 OCTOBER 2016
9:30am – 8:00pm

For the 40th Anniversary of the opening by Her Majesty the Queen of the National Theatre by Sir Denys Lasdun

A Symposium

By the Association of British Theatre Technicians in association with the National Theatre

Symposium Directors: Paule Constable & Richard Pilbrow

Theatre and Architecture: A Discussion
Confrontation, Misunderstanding or Collaboration?
The NT’s Birthday – What next for our theatre?

A conversation between theatre practitioners and the architectural and consulting community on the relationship between theatre and the design and architecture of theatre buildings. High profile speakers discuss how theatre makers at the National Theatre have worked in its spaces and contributed to its success as a place for plays, and consider the technological opportunities of the future.

The day includes a Dorfman Theatre Visit and Beating the Drum – A Demonstration of the Drum Revolve, with demonstrations and talks from recent productions.

An introductory architectural tour of the National Theatre especially for delegates takes place on Saturday 29 October and puts the history of Denys Ladsun’s iconic building in context. Numbers strictly limited: ‘first come’ basis. Tickets £5 (in addition to the Symposium Ticket).

In collaboration with and sponsored by: Association of Lighting Designers (ALD), the Association of Sound Designers (ASD), Charcoalblue, ETC Ltd, ET Now, Foster Wilson Architects, the Institute of Theatre Consultants (IOTC), The Mackintosh Foundation, the Society of British Theatre Designers (SBTD), the Society for Theatre Research (STR), Theatreplan, Theatre Projects, Theatres Trust

Full programme details on the ABTT website,
Book tickets on the NT Box Office website,