Neil Vallance, LTG Rep at The Talisman Theatre & Arts Centre HERE, has sent in an inspiring article about what they have been up to to keep theatre alive. You can read it in full HERE.
They established Tea with the Tali, a platform for Radio Plays and thirty four new plays had been aired by Christmas with a total of 13,000 listens.
In the spirit of LTG’s initiative to consider Diversity & Inclusion, Neil notes that the enforced closure gave them an opportunity to reflect. They realised they were a rather “white” organisation and reaffirmed their commitment to diversity by writing a Statement and Action Plan which you can find on their website HERE.
They were particularly delighted that their first play of 2021 was Little Black Sandals, by Philisiwe Twijnstra (aka Zulu Blue). The result of a collaboration with the African Women’s Playwrights Network, who are hosted by Warwick University. They continue to work with them and are looking forward to another piece in Spring.
Turning to the technical aspects, they have just been awarded a Grant of £3,000 which has enabled them to buy some new kit.
All their plays can be listened to via their website or go straight to their YouTube Channel HERE.
Anne Gilmour
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