Theatres Trust: Green productions survey

The Theatres Trust, ABTT and others across the sector are conducting a survey. Closing date Monday 21 December 2020 Making Theatres Sustainable initiative.  To help us develop guidance on the ways in which practitioners can work towards creative, environmentally sound and low carbon productions, Buro Happold Sustainability has created a survey aiming to understand which green […]

LTG Survey: COVID-19 impact on LTG Members

Dear LTG Members, The message from the LTG Committee posted on 23 March HERE, noted that the LTG Committee would like to get a greater understanding of Member’s resilience to manage a significant period without income. A short survey has been drawn up which we ask that your theatre completes. A link to the survey […]

LTG Conference Survey

The LTG Committee would like all LTG Members to complete a short Survey about attending LTG National and Regional Conferences.  The Survey link is HERE This will only take three minutes to complete. LTG Committee