LTG Survey: COVID Recovery

All LTG Reps have received a link to a LTG Survey. The LTG National Committee requests that all LTG Member theatres complete the survey by 4 March 2022. The information received will be of benefit to all LTG Members. Once the results are published, each theatre will be able to compare their response to COVID […]

See it safely

Information from Kayley Donnelly, Events & Partnerships Co-ordinatorSociety of London Theatre & UK Theatre recently circulated to LTG Members. Dear all, The latest research shows that safety remains a concern for many consumers, and so we would encourage you to promote See It Safely wherever possible. Here’s what you can do: Display the certificate in your […]

Post COVID re-opening: thoughts from NLO, Eddie Redfern

Eddie Redfern has circulated to all LTG Members some helpful thoughts on things to think about as you we start to open up our theatres. His article is HERE He considers the impact on both those onstage and backstage. How do actors feel about returning to rehearsals and performance? How do your set-builders and stage […]

Theatres Trust: Theatre Reopening Fund Round 2

In November, the Theatres Trust announced the first 20 theatres supported through their Theatre Reopening Fund HERE. This included two LTG Theatres. In early December, the Theatres Trust announce details of a further 15 theatres HERE to receive grants to help with re-opening expenses. This time, recipients included LTG theatres The Tower in Stoke Newington,  The Barn […]