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Seeking knowledgeable theatre practitioners – AITA/IATA.

The LTG is linked to AITA/IATA – International Amateur Theatre Association. The new President of AITA/IATA, Beatrice Cellario, has written to all Associates and Members to seek skilled and knowledgeable theatre practitioners. I am sure there are a few in our Member Theatres.

Her request is below. If you are interested to learn more, please contact, the Secretariat of AITA/IATA.

“During the last General Assembly held in Saint-John (Canada) on 29 August 2019, I mentioned the creation of a list of competent persons, able to facilitate conferences and workshops at festivals.

I would like to involve you in the development of this list. This collaboration does not formally commit you, but simply asks you to provide us – [Anne Gilmour] – with the names and contact details of potential leaders in various theatre techniques. They will be people who could run workshops, or lead discussions – colloquies – on the plays presented in festivals.

These individuals must have: knowledge of amateur theatre practices; be able to run high quality workshops; and for the colloquies, be able to animate debate and discussion with a critical and caring approach to the performances.

The purpose of this list is to provide festivals with a list of specialists in various theatrical practices (Commedia dell’Arte, Noh Theatre, physical theatre, puppetry…); and theatre enthusiasts accustomed to analysing plays.

Festival organisers will contact directly those on the list and advise them of the conditions of their attendance, for example if accommodation or travel expenses will be met.

On behalf of AITA/IATA, I thank you for agreeing to respond to this request.

Sincerely yours,
Béatrice Cellario, President of AITA/IATA

Anne Gilmour