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Promoting Cultural and Creative Industries: 12 August

LTG Chairman Jo Matthews, is one of two key speakers at an event organised by the Public Policy Exchange. She will speak alongside Mark Pemberton, Director of the Association of British Orchestras and they will focus on Lifting Lockdowns and Supporting the Arts.

You can register for the event, which runs from 09:30 – 13:00, on the Website HERE. For those in the Public Sector, the cost of attending is £99.

Public Policy Exchange produces and delivers high quality conferences and interactive seminars which provide an invaluable interface for policy discussion, debate and networking.

The Programme

  • Discuss the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on creative and cultural industries, and explore the effectiveness of government intervention
  • Learn about the future of the 2019 investment fund worth £250 million for the cultural and creative sector
  • Analyse the impact of Brexit on the sector’s ability to recruit staff
  • Share best practices for utilising digital technologies to maximise the economic value of cultural and creative industries post-Brexit
  • Explore available sources of funding to support local cultural and creative businesses and entrepreneurs
  • Gain insights into available sources of funding to support local cultural and creative businesses and entrepreneurs
  • Consider the effect of evolving UK visa regulations on the cultural and creative industries and develop effective means of securing international talent
  • Reaffirm the contribution of the cultural and creative industries in consolidating social wellbeing domestically and promoting the UK’s cultural status abroad
  • Discuss how to successfully safeguard cultural education programs and increase the social impact of cultural and creative industries

Anne Gilmour