From the LTG Committee to all LTG Members
We are all living through unprecedented times. Our theatres are closed, and our trustees and core members are concerned about the myriad of details around how you mothball a theatre for an indefinite period.
As individuals, we have been preoccupied with our families, colleagues and friends, especially as many of us will come into the vulnerable category.
As your National Committee, we’d like you to know that we are thinking of you and the complexities that your theatre now faces now. Both practical issues such as keys, heating, waste, services and administrative matters that relate to cancellations, communication, website, insurance, licences etc.
Looking to the future it is impossible right now to say when your rehearsals will start and when you will be able to advertise your shows. Some of you may seize the opportunity to clean, decorate or bring forward planned maintenance, others may decide to leave any such decisions until we are back to ‘normal’. Sadly, for the moment, LTG Membership will not be a social experience it will mainly be a Social Media experience.
The LTG Committee would like to get a greater understanding of your financial resilience to manage a significant period without income. We will shortly forward a link to a brief survey for your theatre to complete. With the information that you supply, we hope to campaign for assistance. I’m sure you will appreciate such a campaign can only be successful with verifiable evidence from a high percentage of our theatres.
May we wish you all the very best with the complex decisions that your theatre now faces. Let us hope we are restored to normality before too long. Meanwhile if you have a query, do contact the LTG Committee (contact details on this LTG Website HERE) If you have a useful tip, why not share it on the LTG Facebook Discussion Page HERE. We are all confined to online and phone communication so we should use these tools to stay in touch and give each other whatever support we can.
Mike Smith, on behalf of the
LTG Committee
23 March 2020
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