You will be delighted to know that the LTG Yearbook for the 2021 – 2022 season has been despatched to all LTG Members and should by now have landed on your doorstep. Some LTG Reps asked that they were sent to their theatre whilst others asked that they were sent to their homes or to a n other theatre representative. If yours have not arrived soon (and they might arrive in several batches) do let me know.
For the first time this year, you were not obliged to take 15 copies. Many of you requested the full 15 to distribute around your theatre and to send to those who are important people connected to your theatre such as your Patron or President. Some of you requested fewer copies but I am sure you will make judicious use of them.
Your artistic team will, I am sure, be keen to know what other LTG Members have staged and to glean ideas about plays for your future season. You may also wish to give a copy to your local Councillors, potential sponsors or VIPs to show that you belong to a UK-wide network of amateur theatre that is rooted in the community.
Already I am aware that one entry is no longer up-to-date and when I have a PDF of the LTG Yearbook to add to the backstage area I will add details of any corrections or omissions to which I am alerted.
Anne Gilmour
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