The editorship of the LTG Newsletter is being handed over from the inimitable Sandra Simpson to the current S Region Secretary, Anne Gilmour.
The August 2017 edition of the Newsletter reported that Michael Shipley, the longstanding editor, had been taken ill and was unable to complete the Newsletter.
Sandra generously stepped into the breach and described herself as the temporary editor. No doubt failing to realise how long she would be in this ‘temporary’ role! The LTG Committee are incredibly grateful for the considerable time and effort she has put into the role of editor. A profile of Sandra will appear in a future LTG Newsletter.
We need your news!
Please send your theatre’s newsletters (paper and electronic), news, information, gossip, images and anything you feel is worthy of inclusion in the LTG Newsletter to The editor, however, reserves the right to edit your contributions.
Delayed Winter 2020 edition of the Newsletter
Because the autumn edition of the Newsletter was delayed to take account of the September AGM, we have decided to push back the deadline for receipt of articles for the Winter 2020 edition to 21 November (from 6 November). This does not mean that you send information to the editor one or two days before 21 November. Please send information as soon as it is ready.
I look forward to receiving your contributions.
Anne Gilmour
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