Information about the 2020 LTG National Conference has been sent to all LTG Reps and information about the conference can be found on the The Questors Website at
Members of The Questors are very much looking forward to welcoming LTG Reps and Members of LTG Theatres to the conference.
A wide range of Workshops are on offer, catering for artistic, acting, administrative and technical aspects of theatre. Details can be found on the website at the link above.
Friday evening entertainment is from the in-house laughter troupe Errors of Comedy and the Saturday evening performance is the highly acclaimed Hangmen by Martin McDonagh.
Booking for the conference is online through the Questors/Spektrix booking system and The Questors is introducing Earlybird booking – book before noon on 23 March and you will save £10 on the three day booking rate.
The letter of welcome from The Questors Chairman Doug King is HERE.
See you in London.
Anne Gilmour
LTG Rep The Questors Theatre
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