Friday 14 – Sunday 16 October 2022, Carlisle Green Room Club, based in West Walls Theatre Carlisle
Latest News: – some images from this very successful conference are HERE.
David Wood, LTG Rep for the West Walls Theatre, home of the Carlisle Green Room Club, is delighted to confirm details of the 2022 LTG Northern Region Conference being held as part of their 70th anniversary celebrations.
The following documents have been sent to all Northern LTG Reps. Please note the very last deadline of 30 September by when your booking forms should be returned. I am unable to attach Word Documents so do please contact David if you need the booking forms in this format.
- Welcome Letter from Chairman David J Woods HERE
- Booking Form and Meal Choices HERE
- Workshop selection HERE
- Programme for the weekend HERE
- Details of the Workshops HERE
- Getting to Carlisle HERE
- Accommodation HERE
- All Carlisle Documents in one HERE
The Carlisle Green Room Theatre HERE are in the very centre of Carlisle close to the mainline station and the hotels suggested in the accommodation document.
We urge that every LTG N Region Member is represented at the LTG N Region Conference and AGM. Anyone from a Member theatre is most welcome to attend the Conference, or indeed any LTG Conference, and bring a friend(s) or partner(s). Let’s make this a great event.
You will need to send a completed Conference and Meal Booking Form and a Meal Choice Form. To help the Treasurer, we urge as many of you as possible to make your payment by BACS, but when you do so, please include your name / name of your theatre when making the payment.
The papers for the LTG Northern AGM will be sent out soon.
See you Carlisle.
Anne Gilmour
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