This October, the Abbey Theatre, St Albans live streamed their performances of Building the Wall by Robert Schenkkan.
Performed to a socially distanced audience, this fascinating 80 minute two-hander was also live streamed. The cost of a live stream ticket was the same as those sold to the in-house live audience.
Tina Swain, Theatre Manager, on behalf of The Company of Ten, tells the fascinating story of how they went about it, how well it worked and the value of this new approach to theatre.
You can read the full story HERE. A summary of this article is in the December 2020 edition of the LTG Newsletter, out shortly.
Live streaming seems to be of interest to a few of our LTG Member Theatres. We are looking at the possibility of a live Zoom with Tina and her technical team in the New Year. If you might be interested in taking part, do let me know.
Anne Gilmour
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