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Joseph Weinberger Plays – partnership with MTI – Music Theatre International


Below is the text of an email from Josef Weinberger Plays ( received by Ralf Togneri (LTG S Region Secretary) on 17 August 2023, which other LTG Members may have received too.

“As you may be aware, Josef Weinberger Plays have had a long and positive relationship with Music Theatre International (MTI) since they launched their London office back in 2017. 
As part of a new partnership, MTI will be taking over the licensing of JW Plays via their licensing portal. Moving forward you’ll need to login to your own MTI Web Account to order perusal material, apply for Performance Agreements, update contact details and request change of dates to your licensed productions. 

Requesting licences will become a much quicker and easier process. You’ll agree to all the terms and conditions at the time of applying, as well as needing to enter credit/debit card details to pay for the royalties due. If your application is approved then you’ll receive your Performance Agreement and invoice receipt in one go. No more too-ing and fro-ing about payment and signing documents.

Perusal orders will be supplied immediately – you’ll no longer need to wait for us to check your request.

What should I do next?
We know that many of you also stage musicals as part of your organisation. If you’ve licensed a musical with MTI in the last 4 years then you should already have an MTI Web Account. You should use those details to apply for JW Plays moving forward. If you’ve never staged a musical before, then you’ll need to open a new MTI Web Account from scratch. You should do that here.

Don’t worry, though – you should still use the Josef Weinberger website to discover all about our hundreds of incredible plays. If you decide you’d like to proceed with a licence application and/or order perusal then you’ll automatically be directed to the MTI site.
Whilst we’re delighted to be bringing these changes to JW Plays, please know that I’m still here and on hand to answer your questions on the phone or by email.
James Cawood, Head of Plays

Anne Gilmour, LTG National Secretary