The government have announced the Ministerial Team for Department of Culture, Media and Sport.
The details on the government website are HERE
The team are as follows with details of the nearest LTG Members.
Baroness Twycross of Headington Oxford (Fiona), been a member of the London Assembly and served as Deputy Mayor for Fire and Resilience. Now has the brief for Gambling. Nearest LTG Members to Headington are Thame Players and Sinodun Players at Corn Exchange, Wallingford.
Stephanie Peacock MP, Minister for Sport, Media, Civil Society and Youth, constituency Barnsley South, nearest LTG Member Doncaster Little Theatre
Sir Chris Bryant MP – Minister of State for Data Protection and Telecoms and Minister for Creative Industries, Arts and Tourism, constituency Rhondda and Ogmore , nearest LTG Member Dolman Theatre. His remit includes the creative industries which I assume covers theatre.
The Rt Hon Lisa Nandy MP – Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport, constituency Wigan, nearest LTG Members Bolton Little Theatre, Farnworth Little Theatre and Chorley Theatre
Anne Gilmour, LTG National Secretary
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