In March 2020, Voluntary Arts (VA) launched #CreativeNetwork – a series of online get-togethers open to anyone involved in arts, culture and creativity in order to connect and collaborate in unusual times. Facilitating these conversations has enabled people from across the UK and Ireland to talk with others, develop ideas and projects, and find sustainable ways forward in changing circumstances.
There is a VA Network with a thematic focus of ‘Theatre’ which is part of the wider #CreativeNetwork programme. Details are HERE.
Open #CreativeNetwork conversations held on Zoom to share practices and responses to changing pandemic guidance* and restrictions for amateur and professional performing arts groups.
On Wednesday 5 April 2021, Claire Sharples, the VA Development Officer leading on theatre, Zoomed with Kevin Spence and Anne Gilmour. It was agreed that Claire will introduce her work at the LTG AGM on Saturday 15 May 2020. This will be an opportunity to learn how this creative network can benefit LTG Members.
Anne Gilmour
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