An online training Workshop with four Sessions for English speakers run by CLT – Corredor Latinoamericano de Teatro – is open to all LTG Members.
There will be four stand-alone sessions in this Workshop, which will be based around The Actor Author. The first session will be on Monday 15 March at 18:00 London time. Registration for this first session is now OPEN and you can access the booking form HERE. This is a great opportunity to work with people from around the globe.
Each live session takes place on Zoom with up to 30 places available. If you are not successful in being selected for this first session, booking for the second English session will open on 9 March 2021. Session 1 will cover:
The Nature of an Action
Action as a re-action. The action’s layers: narrative layer, dynamic layer, emotional layer. Action & situation. The 6 questions (What, Where, When, Why, Who and How).
AITA/IATA will prioritise places to try and ensure that a broad range of participants take part in the sessions irrespective of age, experience, country or Region of AITA/IATA.
The first Workshop with four sessions was for Spanish-speakers and videos of the first sessions are available HERE.
For information, LTG is a Member of IATA/IATA through the GB National Centre, ITE.
Anne Gilmour
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